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Privacy Agreement 

Privacy and Security Notice

The State of Ohio recognizes the importance of privacy to users of our online job application service. This notice discloses how the personal information collected on this site may be used.

Public Records

Ohio public records law requires state agencies to disclose various documents and records to anyone making a public records request. With limited exceptions, this includes requests for employment applications and attachments such as resumes and letters of recommendation. Those limited exceptions include but are not limited to Social Security Numbers, email addresses and phone numbers submitted on employment applications, and we will not disclose that information unless otherwise permitted or required by law.

Use of Information

Your personal information is being gathered for State of Ohio application and recruitment purposes.  The information you provide is used to assess your application for the position(s) for which you applied. Online applications are stored on a secure site.  Only authorized State of Ohio employees, authorized contractors, and State of Ohio hiring authorities have access to the information submitted.  
Additionally, please be aware, we may share any information that you submit through this Web site with other state of Ohio agencies or other government entities when required or otherwise permitted by law.

Unauthorized access, use, misuse, or modification of this computer system or of the data contained in it or in transit to and from this system is strictly prohibited, may be in violation of state and federal law, and may be subject to administrative action, civil and criminal penalties. Use of the system is governed by United States law and Ohio law and policies.

The State of Ohio monitors activities on this system and may record and disclose those activities internally and to law enforcement and other entities to ensure the proper and lawful use of its information and resources. Such monitoring may result in the acquisition, recording and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted, processed or stored in this system by a user. ANYONE USING THIS SYSTEM EXPRESSLY CONSENTS TO SUCH MONITORING.

For our complete privacy notice on what personal information we collect, how we use it, how you can review and correct it, and what expectation you should have pertaining to monitoring and privacy, please review our Privacy Notice in its entirety. 

Questions concerning the privacy policy for this Web site should be sent to careers@ohio.gov.

For applicant support and additional information about employment with the State of Ohio, return to Careers.Ohio.Gov