KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND CAPACITIES: A working knowledge of industrial hygiene procedures, regulations and standards and the ability to apply such procedures for the evaluation and control of chemical and physical agent exposure hazards; a familiarity with materials and processes used in industry; the ability to analyze and interpret the results of field and laboratory work; the ability to effectively communicate technically oriented information, both verbally and in writing; the ability to establish and maintain working relationships with representatives of industry, various agencies and members of the public; the ability to prepare and present instructional materials related to industrial hygiene topics; and related capacities and abilities.
Education: Such as may have been gained through: graduation from a college of recognized standing supplemented by completion of college courses in chemistry, physics and mathematics and successful completion of training courses in industrial hygiene related topics offered by recognized colleges or nationally recognized training centers for industrial hygiene; and
Experience: Such as may have been gained through: employment in a technical position conducting inspections and surveys for the determination of industrial health hazards.
Or, any combination of education and experience that shall be substantially equivalent to the above education and experience.
• This industrial hygienist position will be responsible for conducting and recording OSHA On-site Consultations in small businesses within the state of Rhode Island. Duties include on-site consultations; hazard reports; mitigation reports, and recording of all data received about the businesses consulted with. All OSHA activities will be conducted in compliance with the OSHA On-Site Cooperative Agreement.
• This Industrial Hygienist will ensure compliance with RIDOH Regulation 216-RICR-50-15-1 – Asbestos Control and EPA requirements and provide technical assistance to the regulated community.
• Assist with school inspections located in Environmental Justice Areas defined by EPA, generates appropriate correspondence to the superintendent and facilities director.
• Perform technical reviews of asbestos/management plans, generates appropriate correspondence to the facility owners, licensed asbestos consultants and abatement contractors.
• Conduct field inspections for quality control of worksites, reviewing training, licensing, containment, work practice, cleaning, and hazardous waste disposal requirements for asbestos abatement activities. Completes worksite checklists, enters these inspection results in the Lead Inspection Reporting System (LIRS) database, generates appropriate correspondence, and inspection reports. Assists with school inspections located i
• Review violations with supervisor and/or DOH legal staff to determine the appropriate enforcement response for violators. Prepares Warning Letters, Notices of Noncompliance, and Consent Agreements to address violations. Follows up on corrective actions through phone calls, site visits, and/or informal hearings.
• This Industrial Hygienist will ensure compliance with RIDOH Regulation 216-RICR-50-15-2 – Radon Control and EPA initiatives and provide technical assistance to the regulated community.
• Enforce mandatory testing and mitigation requirements for public and high priority buildings. Promote radon testing and mitigation in residential properties through education and outreach. Promote radon resistant new construction in homes, school, and public buildings.
• Conduct field inspections for quality control of worksites, reviewing training and licensing requirements, and system installations for radon mitigation activities. Completes worksite checklists, generates appropriate correspondence, and inspection reports.
• Review violations with supervisor and/or DOH legal staff to determine the appropriate enforcement response for violators. Prepares Warning Letters, Notices of Noncompliance, and Consent Agreements to address violations. Follows up on corrective actions through phone calls, site visits, and/or informal hearings.
• Respond to complaints regarding unsafe work practices, unlicensed individuals performing work and other asbestos and radon complaints.
• Assist implementation of the Training and Registration System (TRS) application and database to capture all asbestos and radon training in RI. Support certified training providers on system usage, develop reports and user manuals, and maintain accuracy of data.
• Respond to lead complaints, perform lead inspections, and audit lead training courses in accordance with RI Gen. Laws Chapter 23-24.6 Lead Poisoning Prevention Act and Chapter 42-128.1 Lead Hazard Mitigation
• RlDOH has responsibility to reduce health hazards related to asbestos, radon and lead in Rhode Island. This position will be fully cross trained to back up any of the other Industrial Hygienists in the asbestos, radon, and lead programs to perform routine functions as needed and respond to emergencies and complaints.
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